Jumat, 15 Februari 2008

pro-cigarette or against-cigarette?

two guys sit in a coffee place. they seem like having an interesting conversation. the first guy is a smoker, the other one is against smoking for reasons like cancer and stuff. here is the conversation...

A [pro-ciggarete guy], B [contra-ciggarette guy]

B: A, maybe you think you're free and manly by smoking ciggarette. but, i think you're not free. you can't stop smoking. look at me! i don't smoke but i can choose to be a smoker if i want. can u choose to be a non-smoker? i don't think so. [acting like he's free from anything]
A: really? prove your word. smoke now. [taking one ciggarette and a lighter and give them to B]
B: I don't wanna do it because i choose not to smoke.
A: if you really are a free man and you're free to choose not to smoke, you also should be free to smoke. if you're a free man, you're also free to smoke, right?
B: I don't wanna smoke because ciggarette is addictive and i don't wanna get addicted to it.
A: so, you're not a free man. you're addicted to your fucking principle. IF YOU THINK THAT I'M NOT FREE BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP SMOKING, YOU'RE ALSO NOT FREE BECAUSE YOU DON'T SMOKE AND DON'T EVEN DARE TO TRY ONE CIGGARETTE. i'm telling you, i don't smoke in non-smoking places and i smoke when i'm in smoking areas. so who's the free man?

what's your conclusion, readers? show me a better argument than this; if there is a better one. NO ONE IS FREE IN THIS LIFE.

even a woman looks sexier if she smokes... [just my opinion... but look at the picture below]

9 komentar:


numpang sidak... :)

HonEy BunnY mengatakan...

nice postt ,,,,

Anna Rochanti Madden mengatakan...

My husband was a heavy smoker. He tried so hard to quit, and he did it. He said," that was one of the most awesome things that ever happened to me: quit smoking!"

Bintang mengatakan...

hhhmmm i think there's no right or wrong about this thing. just a matter of choice... :)

Megawati mengatakan...

i hate smokersss!!!! huhuhu..my dad is a heavy smoker since 11 years old!

Nyoman Winardi mengatakan...

smoking or not is just a matter of choice. it's your own life. you are the one who has the control over your own life. when you've gain full control of your own life, that's when you are a free. free from others intervention over your life. but, i don't think that kind of person exist in this world. most people live their life to be loved and adored by others. live as a cool kind of person, even if it means faking everything. just like the song by seether, fake it.

Helman Taofani mengatakan...

This post reminds me of "Thank You for Smoking" film (Aaron Eckhart). I used to smoke centuries ago, but now I'm clean. However, it's cool to me having people smoking around me.

Anonim mengatakan...

Ternyata gampang berhenti merokok ...
Buktinya udah setahun aku berhenti lho ....

Bintang mengatakan...

@ hidung bertahi lalat: jangan benci dong mba... :) diikhlasin aja... hehe. saya rasa para perokok ngga membenci org2 yg ga ngerokok kok... :D

@ helman taofani: gw emang suka bgt sama itu film. gw suka argumen2nya, bnr2 ngebuat kita mikir..

@ petani susah: wow bagus tuh! coba deh mas bisa berenti seterusnya atau ntar ngerokok lagi. saya dulu jg pernah berenti 1 1/2 thn tapi ngerokok lagi. lagipula menurut berbagai research, rata2 orang itu baru berhasil berenti total dari rokok itu setelah 5 atau 6 kali mencoba. tapi jelas saya dukung langkah mas utk berenti rokok! :)