Jumat, 29 Februari 2008

february 29th 2008

* we only experience this day once in four years... so i want to post something in this special day!

today, i feel so lazy to go to college so i skip a class. it's so hard to wake up because i only had two hours of sleep. lately, college life really irritates me. you know, i don't like doing this. i go to college and will get my bachelor degree just for a social status. i'm totally not interested about the study. i don't need the degree actually because i will never do nine-to-five job in my life. i wanna work independently, like being a musician and entrepreneur. that's challenging! and that's what i'm passionate about...

tonight, i will see ronski speed's performance.

i don't really feel good at the moment so i want to drink and party a little bit. i also want to enjoy the music played by one of the best DJs in the world.

message from me:
keep supporting my music by giving your comment to my songs...

question from me [answer this!]:
help me make a concept for my music.
1. do you prefer john mayer or james blunt?
2. what will suit me best: being a soloist with music like john mayer or james blunt? or making a duo with my friend [guitarist] with music like john mayer or james blunt?

thx friends! :)

Kamis, 28 Februari 2008

Give Me a Chance

i wanna post another entry in indonesian... :D i just want all my readers to understand because what's the point of reading my entries without knowing every single word??

[hehe alesan lagi... jago ngeles ya gw! maklum mantan supir bajay... :D]

OKAY! CAN U HANDLE MY TRUTH? [ngikutin kata2nya britney spears...]

gw bikin "Give Me a Chance" tahun lalu. sebenernya lagu ini adalah curhatan gw, yang sebentar lagi mau gw ceritain lewat blog ini. hehe... ceritanya cukup menyedihkan, terutama buat gw. hiks2... [halah..]


beberapa tahun yang lalu, gw kenalan sama seorang cewe yang bernama kartika [namanya gw samarin ya..]. gw ga tau knp tapi dari awal gw berjabat tangan sama dia, gw udah langsung suka. gw itu orang yg susah jatuh cinta; tapi sekalinya jatuh cinta, it will last forever! huahaha lebay...

gw juga adalah orang yang sangat instinktif, jadi sebagian besar tindakan gw mengikuti insting gw. gw juga percaya sama "love at the first sight". cinta yang sebenernya itu ga perlu diusahakan. tanpa ada usaha apapun, lo udah jatuh cinta. gw percaya bgt sama itu.

back to the story. waktu terus berjalan, tadinya kartika ngga suka sama gw. tapi gw gigih. namanya juga usaha... akhirnya dia suka sama gw! [bukannya ge-er, gw taunya juga dari temen gw yg baru dicurhatin kartika]. kalo misalnya sekarang dia ditanya dan dia bilang "gw ga pernah suka sama bintang", gw jamin 100% itu boong. itu cuma gengsi...

tapi walaupun suka sama suka, gw ga pernah jadian sama dia. alesannya banyak lah tapi ga mungkin gw ceritain disini. ini bukan alesan yg mengada-ada loh. gw bukan orang kayak gitu. jadi waktu terus berjalan dan posisi kartika buat gw adalah temen telfon dan temen jalan yang deket banget. SIALNYA, beberapa waktu kemudian, ada orang yang deketin kartika dan berhasil membuat kartika jatuh hati... mereka berdua akhirnya pacaran. sialnya, gw baru tau setelah mereka berdua udah jadian. damn! shit really happens, man...

gw masih setia nungguin kartika. gw berharap mereka putus. kalo mereka putus, gw ga akan nyia2in kesempatan lagi. lo semua tau berapa lama gw nunggu?? SATU SETENGAH TAHUN!!! itu waktu yang lama banget buat gw! akhirnya gw capek sendiri dan gw memutuskan untuk ngelupain dia. untung gw memutuskan itu... soalnya sampe hari ini, mereka masih jadian dan itu udah tiga tahun lebih...

banyak lah yg gw bikin untuk dapetin kartika dari cowoknya tapi gagal... cowoknya dia ngajakin gw berantem gara-gara dia bilang gw ga menghargai hubungan dia sama kartika. brantem gara2 cewek?? come on, man! itu adalah hal yg ngga bgt buat gw... yaudah gw terima ajakan dia. gw bilang gw minta nomor telepon dia supaya gw bisa telfon dan atur waktu mau ketemu dimana. lo tau apa yang dia bilang? "kita selesain masalah ini lewat email aja." HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH?????? udah nantangin berantem, terus bilang "kita selesain lewat email"??? yg bener aja... cuman yaudahlah gw ngertiin aja. cowoknya ini lebih muda dua thn dari gw [masih abg], jadi ga gw anggep. malu juga gw berantem sama dia. masalah cewek lagi...


sampe saat ini, kartika masih dalam pelukan cowok itu. hhhmm gw angkat topi lah buat mereka, walaupun sebenernya gw agak sedih... lagipula gw udah ikhlasin kok.

pelajaran yg gw dapet adalah gw ga akan mau lagi nunggu lama2 untuk seorang cewe yang udah punya cowok. gw pernah nunggu satu setengah tahun dan itu ga akan terulang! nunggu sebulan aja juga gw pasti ga mau... ya begitulah cerita gw... :D gw akhirin dengan kata2 dari reff lagu ini yaa...

would you, please,
give me a chance
to tell you i love you
please don't hide away
don't hide away from me

give me a chance
to show you i love you
please don't hide away
don't hide away from me

*lyrics written by elia bintang on july 2007

Selasa, 26 Februari 2008

Tak Ada Batasan untuk Pekerja Seni

i'm a lil' bit tired to write all my entries in english, so i decide to write this entry in indonesian because I'M PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN!!!

[alesan doang... padahal sih emang lagi males mikir aja.. hehe!]

ok, enough for the introduction... :D

ini adalah pandangan gw tentang dunia seni dan siapa aja yang berhak memasukinya. gw sering denger orang bilang begini, "gw sih ga bisa jadi artis. orang tua sampe kakek nenek gw ga ada yang jadi artis. gw ga ada darah seninya." atau "gw ga punya duit buat jadi artis. di dunia ini kan money talks. asal lo punya duit, apa pun yang lo mau pasti terjadi." gw kasih reality check nih:

* Ashton Kutcher adalah tukang sapu di sebuah pabrik penggilingan sebelum menjadi aktor
* Jack Nicholson adalah penyortir surat sebelum menjadi aktor handal
* Mariah Carey adalah tukang periksa topi sebelum menjadi diva dunia
* Jewel adalah seorang pramusaji sebelum menjadi penyanyi
* Brad Pitt adalah petugas pengiriman kulkas sebelum yang kita kenal sekarang ini

yang namanya tukang sapu, pramusaji, petugas pengiriman kulkas pasti ga punya duit dong... iya ga? kalo punya duit sih, ngapain jadi tukang sapu... it's true that money talks, but action talks louder. setuju? kalo orang miskin kayak Mariah Carey aja bisa jadi diva dunia, kenapa kita ngga? ga usah artis dunia lah, artis Indonesia aja pasti bisa kan... yang penting jangan pesimis.
gw juga sering denger gini nih, "gw ngga bisa ngelakuin ini dan itu sekarang karena gw udah ketuaan. kalo gw masih muda sih pasti gw bikin." kita seringkali menggunakan umur sebagai alasan. iya ga? gw kasih reality check lagi ya:

* James Blunt meluncurkan album pertamanya, Back to Bedlam, pada usia 32 tahun; usia yang relatif tua untuk artis pendatang baru
* Tompi meluncurkan album pertamanya bersama Bali Lounge pada usia 25 tahun; usia yang relatif terlambat untuk artis pendatang baru
harusnya contoh-contoh ini menginspirasikan kita untuk terus maju. iya ga? jujur aja, gw termotivasi banget setelah tau fakta-fakta ini, terutama fakta tentang umur James Blunt. gw berkesimpulan bahwa batasan itu adanya cuma di pikiran kita. kita yang seringkali membatasi diri kita. iya kan? padahal fakta berbicara bahwa ngga ada batasan kok untuk pekerja seni, yang penting kita tetap kerja keras aja... setuju?

Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

i'm 82% addicted to blogging...

82%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

hhhmm this test is accurate enough, i think... when i have to extend my indonesian ID card on 2011[KTP maksudnya... hihihi], i will change my occupation to be a BLOGGER! [lebay...]

yeah i'm 82% addicted to blogging!

Jumat, 22 Februari 2008

java jazz 2008 on the move schedule

22 Feb 2008 Friday 20:00-21:30
Location : Kemang Food Festival
Artists : Barry Likumahuwa

23 Feb 2008 Saturday 17:30-20:00
Location : Universitas Binus
Artists : Pasto, RAN

23 Feb 2008 Saturday 19:00-21:00
Location : Museum Sejarah
Artists : Two Triple O, Cindy Bernadette

24 Feb 2008 Sunday 17:00-19:00
Location : Waterbom Jakarta
Artists : Sister Duke, RAN

29 Feb 2008 Friday 20:30-22:00
Location : Soho Citos, Jakarta
Artists : RAN, DREW

01 Mar 2008 Saturday 21:00-23:00
Location : BSD Jajan Jazz, Serpong
Artists : Tiwi, Bibus

01 Mar 2008 Saturday 19:00-21:00
Location : Blitz Megaplex, Jakarta
Artists : Ecoutez, Two Triple O

02 Mar 2008 Sunday 20:00-21:30
Location : Airman Planet Lounge, Hotel
Sultan, Jakarta
Artists : Nicky Manuputty

04 Mar 2008 Tuesday 16:00-19:00
Location : Universitas Pelita Harapan,
Artists : Soulvibe, World Peace Project
feat. Walfredo Rayes, Tollak, Roger Burn

05 Mar 2008 Tuesday 20:00-21:30
Location : Kudus Restaurant, Hotel
Sultan, Jakarta
Artists : Kristin Berardi, James Sherlock

05 Mar 2008 Wednesday 19:00-21:00
Location : Pacific Place Mall, SCBD, Jakarta
Artists : Desti, The Jane Project

05 Mar 2008 Wednesday 19:30-21:30
Location : La Piazza, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta
Artists : Logic, Parkdrive

i don't know why i put jamie cullum's picture above because he's not coming to java jazz this year, but his performance last year was really kicking everyone's ass! so, i hope java jazz 2008 will be as massive as java jazz 2007...

[kapan gw jadi artis supaya bisa manggung di java jazz... ngimpi lo tang!] :)

Minggu, 17 Februari 2008


the picture above really describes my valentine theme: love sucks! hehe... i performed my music at soho cilandak town square anyway. LONELY GUY ENTERTAINED LOVERS. how does it sound? sounds cool or bad? or it sounds cool because it's too bad? hehe :)

my management, radical entertainment, made a valentine event, at soho music cafe citos. there were three musicians perform on that night: me, calvin [his first album will be released on april], and music for sale [a quite popular band in indie community]. i performed six songs on that night:
1. betapa aku mencintaimu [original]
2. everything [original]
3. yellow [coldplay's song]
4. mengertilah [original]
5. say goodbye [original]
6. high and dry [radiohead's song]

it was a nice gig. i performed well. i met new people and new musicians. it was a great night of music but it's a bad valentine night... hehe..

well, i keep talking about performing my original songs. right now i need you to listen to one of the songs i performed, "say goodbye". just turn off the song below the buddies tab and play this song...

let me know what you think of this song. like it or not, just tell me. need FEEDBACK from you... :)

Jumat, 15 Februari 2008

pro-cigarette or against-cigarette?

two guys sit in a coffee place. they seem like having an interesting conversation. the first guy is a smoker, the other one is against smoking for reasons like cancer and stuff. here is the conversation...

A [pro-ciggarete guy], B [contra-ciggarette guy]

B: A, maybe you think you're free and manly by smoking ciggarette. but, i think you're not free. you can't stop smoking. look at me! i don't smoke but i can choose to be a smoker if i want. can u choose to be a non-smoker? i don't think so. [acting like he's free from anything]
A: really? prove your word. smoke now. [taking one ciggarette and a lighter and give them to B]
B: I don't wanna do it because i choose not to smoke.
A: if you really are a free man and you're free to choose not to smoke, you also should be free to smoke. if you're a free man, you're also free to smoke, right?
B: I don't wanna smoke because ciggarette is addictive and i don't wanna get addicted to it.
A: so, you're not a free man. you're addicted to your fucking principle. IF YOU THINK THAT I'M NOT FREE BECAUSE I CAN'T STOP SMOKING, YOU'RE ALSO NOT FREE BECAUSE YOU DON'T SMOKE AND DON'T EVEN DARE TO TRY ONE CIGGARETTE. i'm telling you, i don't smoke in non-smoking places and i smoke when i'm in smoking areas. so who's the free man?

what's your conclusion, readers? show me a better argument than this; if there is a better one. NO ONE IS FREE IN THIS LIFE.

even a woman looks sexier if she smokes... [just my opinion... but look at the picture below]

Kamis, 14 Februari 2008

coldplay comes to indonesia?!?

this morning, my cousin rang me and spoke to me excitedly. i was actually still sleeping n didn't feel like talking. but he was too excited, so i chose to let him talk. this is my conversation with him:

cousin: bintang, i have a good news for you and all indonesian music lovers!
me : what's that, man?
cousin: this is beyond your expectation! there's a band coming to indonesia in the middle of the year. guess who...

[coldplay was the first name popped out in my head because he said it's beyond my expectation. it seems like almost impossible that coldplay's gonna come here. maybe they don't even know indonesia. hehe.]

me : coldplay!
cousin: yeah! how do u know?
me : your over-excitement told me.
cousin: haha. but it's still a rumour. my friend who works in java musikindo [music event organizer] told me. but he always proves what he says like when he said incubus is gonna come. that's proven, right? he told me that THE POSSIBILITY OF COLDPLAY COMING HERE IS 80%.
me : well, it sounds great! i'm surely gonna come if coldplay performs here.
me : haha. you better don't do that 'cause this is still a rumour...

[coldplay, come here. you guys went to singapore last year but forgetted to go here...]

that's what i thought after the conversation. is coldplay gonna come? we'll see...

Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

happy valentine

happy valentine's day to anyone who reads my blog! prepare urself to have a dinner or to give a flower to your lover tomorrow ;)

if you have no idea about where to celebrate valentine, just celebrate VALENTINE WITH ME. come to soho cilandak town square on thursday february 14th at 8 P.M. there will be LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCE BY ME. it will be good for u who have a lover or u who are lonely n sad ;)

[hihihi promosi...]

okay? i hope u can come n see me singing n do my thing. once again, HAPPY VALENTINE! love u all...

Senin, 11 Februari 2008

"i live in ciputat" and blogging addiction

i woke up this morning at 9.30 A.M. in a very lazy mood. i looked at my college schedule n it kinda surprised me because i had class at 9.45 A.M. but i still did everything slow because arriving late is usual for me :)

10.15 A.M. i was ready to leave but the rain just got heavier. [so many excuses...] so i sat down in the living room n started to smoke my LUCKY STRIKE filter. u know, i couldn't have time to have my breakfast but i could have time to smoke...

10.45 A.M. i arrived at the class. i was an hour late and just walked in like nothing happened. the lecturer started to ask me some questions...

the lecturer: "why you're late? it's already 10.45!"
me : "u know mam, i drove my motorbike from ciputat and the rain just got
heavier. so i had to stop at panglima polim or my clothes will get wet. it was 30 minutes rain. that's why i'm late, mam..."
the lecturer: "ok. sit down."

hehe... she didn't know that i live in tebet. it only takes five minutes from my house to the university ;)

so i was there 'til 3.30 P.M. because i had two classes. can u imagine, i ate nothing until 3.30 A.M.! i planned to go home fast and eat as much as i could.

u know what happened when i arrived at home? i turned on my laptop and started to check my blog and read some interesting blogs. and i did that until 6 P.M.! so my stomach was empty all day but i felt good because i was blogging, man...

i don't know why lately i'm so addicted to this blogging thing. the first time i made this blog, i wasn't this excited. i even made this blog private, i never told anyone about this blog, and never wrote any comment in anyone's blog. maybe i'm now excited because two indonesian celebrities, dian sastro and wulan guritno, start blogging. i don't know... what i know is right now i really feel this BLOGGING ADDICTION...

Minggu, 10 Februari 2008

learn to appreciate others

i'm sure that u guys have watched "I am Legend", a movie which takes place in New York City. there are some scenes where Will Smith drives his car totally alone there. those scenes are so meaningful if u think beyond what u see.

it's the people who make life wonderful! even a very modern and beautiful city like new york looks like shit when it's totally unoccupied. believe me, u will never want to go to unoccupied new york city. so, it's YOU and especially OTHERS who make life wonderful.

most of the time, we care no more for others. we put every attention to ourselves; what we want, what we need, etc. so sometimes we need to take a break and share our love to others. =)

Jumat, 08 Februari 2008


i wrote this song a year ago and it really means something for me. it describes so much about what i feel inside; fixing the broken heart as i move on. trying to pick up the pieces of my shattered life [grammarnya bener ga sih?? hehe sok tau aja..]. even though so many times i feel dark and pensive, but i always believe that there is always light that leads each of my steps. sometimes i feel really discouraged because i've been struggling with so many areas of my life, which i can't tell u, n still struggling until right now. i feel like i don't know where my light is but i just keep believing n keep moving forward. this is what "Percaya" is about.

COMMENTS please...

Rabu, 06 Februari 2008

sweet revenge

i wanna write something really unimportant n a lil' bit narcisstic. =)

if u read my entry "losing a bet", u will know that i lost 20000 rupiahs bet in billiard games few weeks ago. i lost against my friend [ga perlu gw sebutin namanya yaa... biar kaga malu. hehe]. since that day, i played billiard so many times because, u know, i just can't take losing easily. i hate losing even just losing in an unimportant game.

u gotta read this: i played billiard again with him this afternoon. i beat him ten times and he only beat me three times... hehe. what a sweet revenge...

Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

GPA 3.58

well, i got GPA 3.58 in my first semester [umur udah 21 kok masih semester 1 yaa??]. hehe. it's actually below the GPA i wanted in the beginning of the semester. i wanted to get 3.75 and i thought i've done enough to get 3.75. but now i know i have to work harder to get 3.75... well, i'll try to improve my GPA in the second semester.

by the end of the second semester, i'm sure my GPA will be 3.75! lebay... hehe.

Senin, 04 Februari 2008

performing in quatrocoustic

last saturday, my friends' band, quatro, held a live performance show at cikago cafe. their band is one of the bands signed by prambors. i sang a song that night. it was "high & dry" by radiohead. i didn't sing good actually. hehe... but i think the crowd liked it. so no one noticed that i didn't sing good. =)

i will upload the video later, ok...